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Gmina Bolków
Gmina Bolków

Partner towns

Partner towns of the Commune of Bolków


Borken in Germany

Partnership agreement signed on 27 September 1997.
Borken is located in the state of North-Rhine-Westphalia and borders directly on Holland.
By tradition, it has been a rural area. Modern agriculture is still an important branch of economy of the region, which is however rapidly transforming into an important industrial centre.


bad muskau

Bad Muskau in Germany

Partnership agreement signed on 20 October 2006.
Bad Muskau is a town in Germany, in respect of administration in the State of Saxony by the Lusation Neisse. Road border checkpoint is located in Bad Muskau. The area of the town is the place of location of Muskauer Park centre, enlisted in UNSECSO world heritage sites list.



Heerde in Netherlands

Partnership agreement signed on 12 June 1992.
Commune of Heerde is located in central Holland, in Geldwia. It has a vary well-developed and modernized industry sector. Moreover, its well-developed infrastructure supports development of tourism in the region.



Doksy in the Czech Republic

Partnership agreement signed on 19 August 2006.
The town of Doksy is located in northern Czech Republic, in the land of castles, palaces and caves. It has perfect lands for tourism, a natural reservoir with broad, sandy beaches and forests is a perfect base for aquatic sports and having an active rest.



Dragsholm in Denmark

The commune of Dragsholm is located in north-western part of the Zealand, Denmark. The commune is in the whole a protected area, which is dictated by its unique landscape and preservation of natural fauna and flora habitats.

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Projekt "Rozwój e-usług w Gminie Bolków" współfinansowany ze środków Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Dolnośląskiego 2014-2020 w ramach Osi Priorytetowej 2 Technologie Informacyjno-komunikacyjne Działanie 2.1 E-usługi publiczne.